Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: ETH, BTC falder til multi-ugers lavninger, Efter amerikanske inflationsdata

Ethereum fell below $1,800 i dag’s session, da markederne fortsatte med at reagere på de seneste U.S. forbrugerprisindekset. Inflation in the United States fell to 4.9% in April, less than the 5% sum many had expected. Bitcoin was also lower

Meme Coin PEPE Surges af 152% Denne uge, Nu den femte-største meme-token efter markedsværdi

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% mod U.S.A. dollar. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141

Crypto Exchange Bitrue lider $23 Million Hack

Den Singapore-baserede kryptobørs Bitrue har mistet millioner af U.S. dollars’ værdi af ether og andre mønter i et hack. Handelsplatformen suspenderede tilbagetrækninger indtil begyndelsen af ​​næste uge for at udføre yderligere sikkerhedstjek og lovede at kompensere de berørte brugere. Bitrue…

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: ADA fastholder tabsrækken, da BCH rykker til 10-dages høj

Cardano ended a two-day losing streak on Monday, as the token moved closer to a two-month high to start the week. Cryptocurrency markets were mostly lower in today’s session, with the global market cap down 0.36% i skrivende stund. Bitcoin cash

Værdi låst i Defi holder linjen på $50 mia, Efter midlertidigt at tabe $8 mia. i midten af ​​marts

The total value locked (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 milliard, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC stiger til $29,000 for første gang siden juni sidste år

Bitcoin steg over $29,000 på torsdag, da prisen rykkede til sit stærkeste punkt siden sidste juni. Stigningen kom på trods af en vis konsolidering på kryptovalutamarkederne, forud for det kommende U.S. BNP-rapport. Ethereum var også højere, as it continued to trade

First Republic Banks aktier nedgraderet til uønsket status af S&P Global; Stock Slides Mere end 25% Nederste

Efter UBS erhvervede Credit Suisse og tæt på et dusin finansielle institutioner indsprøjtet $30 milliarder ind i First Republic Bank for fire dage siden, S&P Global nedjusterede i søndags First Republics aktier til junkstatus. Investorer er bekymrede over, at kontantinfusionen fra…

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: ETH rykker op $1,800 som BTC nærmer sig $28,000

Ethereum steg over $1,800 for første gang siden august, as markets continued to react to the Feds decision to inject $300 billion into the economy. This comes following the recent banking crisis, which saw the likes of Silicon Valley Bank

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC hits $27,000, Sikring af frisk 9-måneders høj

Bitcoin moved to a fresh nine-month high on Friday, as prices moved above the $27,000 level. The surge comes following the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to backstop embattled banks to a record tune of $152.9 milliard. Ethereum was also in the

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: BTC ovenfor $20,000, ETH hinsides $1,400 på lørdag

Bitcoin rose back above $20,000 på lørdag, despite markets still being spooked by the collapse of yet another banking institution. Silicon Valley Bank was shut down by U.S. regulators on Friday, causing many institutions to lose access to capital. This includes